/ Mobile app design
Defining and solving the “Where’s my stuff??” problem in the face of industrial-sized transformation challenges.
The plan of attack /
The UX plan needed to demonstrate how a BAs, solution architects and a UX designer can work together during the design process, for a working group still working in more traditional SDLC processes.

Quantitative research
& data analysis /
A large customer base made qualitative research a useful tool for answering key questions raised during the design process and measuring appetite for new feature ideas. Analysis of reasons for calls to customer support and time spent resolving and NPS data all started to converge giving clarity of customer’s biggest problem.
Defining the problem /
Defining the most important problem and framing it within the wider context of the digital transformation work was key to gaining alignment between stakeholders, and in the success of the project in designing an app offering that was valuable enough to customers to drive adoption.

Workflow mapping /
Understanding what Tradies really needed to know (and what they didn’t) was key in translating the internal order & delivery workflow into something useful but not overwhelming to users. Ensuring site managers were not overwhelmed by unnecessary notifications, especially when working across multiple work sites, was a key consideration. User interviews and contextual inquiry on work sites was used to established what was important to Tradies.

Prototyping /
Early iteration of the Trade app prototype, designed to test tradies appetite and understanding of the shortlisted features.
User testing /
Prototypes were tested (1:1 moderated sessions) on builders recruited from the customer database. The 0utcomes of these sessions informed the decisions on features to go ahead with, and further iteraction design iterations. Of note, the Drive Thru feature which had been the initial concept for the Trade app was deferred in favour of Order & Delivery status which was received extremely positively by builders and better met the Viable, Feasible, Desirable trifecta for a successful MVP.